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Nunca Neutral.

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Mezcal Iónico derives its name from the all-important fermentation process which converts sugars into the alcohol present in our favorite drinks. The Spanish term, Iónico, refers to an atom or molecule having an electric charge and is by definition never neutral. It is precisely this electric charge that facilitates the chemical reactions that make up the fermentation process. Similarly, mezcal Iónico leaves neutrality behind with an electric mezcal that everyone can enjoy. Expertly crafted from sustainably harvested 100% agave espadín, mezcal Iónico is great to enjoy on its own or in a cocktail.


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Mezcal Iónico is produced utilizing strictly traditional methods and is therefore classified as an artisanal mezcal under the Consejo Regulador de Mezcal (CRM). Accordingly, our mezcal is made by roasting the agave piñas in traditional conical volcanic stone ovens, crushing the roasted agave using the traditional stone tahona, fermenting in open air wooden vats, and double distilling in copper stills.

We believe that understanding the artisanal production of mezcal as well as the deceptively simple series of chemical transformations that makes it possible are key to appreciating a good mezcal. Mezcal Iónico truly operates at the interface of tradition, craftsmanship, and science.


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The espadín agave (agave angustifolia) is by far the most widely used agave in the production of mezcal for a variety of reasons. Among them, espadín has a relatively short maturation time, a large relative mass, a high fermentable sugar content, and perhaps most importantly, produces a great mezcal. However, espadín is also the most sustainably grown and harvested of the agaves. For these reasons, mezcal Iónico is only made from cultivated 100% agave espadín.


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